Jack Canson

Profile Updated: March 7, 2010
Class Year: 1961
Residing In: Marshall, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Nancy Barr Canson
Occupation: Writer/Producer film & video & Public Relations
Children: Barney, born 1989. Very proud of Barney, who just turned 21 March 3rd, and is celebrating in New York More…City where he is a Junior at New York University. He was a National Merit Scholar and chose NYU because of its very high reputation in the two fields in which he is most interested, music and science. Barney is a very talented musician, composer, producer, and arranger and loves all musical genres and forms. He celebrated his 21st birthday by attending rehearsals of the New York City Opera Company's production of Madame Butterfly. He also hosts a weekly radio program on WNYU FM about Hip Hop Music -- called "Slow Down." We will hear more from this talented young man if we live long enough. Barney is also very attached to East Texas and Caddo Lake and Camp Fern, which he has attended since he was 7 years old. He has spent the last two summers as Stable Manager there. Loves horses. Volunteers at an Equine Therapy Center in Brooklyn. Nancy and I consider Barney to be the best work either of us ever did.
Military Service: U S Army  

I have thus far had a life I have enjoyed, with more than a few unexpected twists and turns. Of interest to my old classmates, though, I would say that about 14 years ago my wife and I moved back to Marshall. The town has changed in many ways, but there are some essential values about this town and this part of the world that are still, I think, wonderful. We raised a son here and are glad we did. Nothing is perfect and nowhere is ideal, but this is a good place, filled with good people. I have had the perhaps unique experience of being in opposition from time to time with various folks over this issue or that, and unlike the way it sometimes is in the rest of the world I have lived in, you can still be friends even though you have had your differences. That is worth more than gold to me.
Living in Marshall, my wife and I continued to write for film and television at first, although we haven't done much of that lately. Nancy wrote several TV movies of note, and her original play "Mrs. Cage" was adapted by her for PBS "American Playhouse" and starred the great Anne Bancroft and Hector Elizondo. For a number of years Nancy was the principal writer for a really good animated series for children called "Little Bear," which your grand children have probably seen and loved. I worked in advertising and political campaign consulting in Austin & Los Angeles, where I created the "You Could Learn A Lot From A Dummy" seat belt campaign. I wrote a few movies under the name "Jackson Barr." Since returning to Marshall, my interests have primarily been related to Caddo Lake. For the last 7 years I've been a consultant to the Caddo Lake Institute and I hope to complete a TV documentary called "Mysteries of Caddo Lake" this summer. For the past four years I also have filmed performances at the annual T Bone Walker Blues Festival at Music City Texas in Linden and we also hope to finish that production this summer after filming Johnny Winter and a few others who will be performing this year.
I am also collaborating with Dr. John Tennison of San Antonio on establishing the historical claim that Marshall is the birthplace of Boogie Woogie Music. This is a fascinating story and you can learn more about it by going to our Face Book Fan Page. You can just search "Marshall Texas Birthplace of Boogie Woogie" on Face Book if this cutting and pasting the link below doesn't work.
My memories of growing up here and going to school with all of you are very good ones. Wish I could have been better, but hell I was just a goofy teenager. Hope to see you all at the reunion.

School Story:

Oh, God, there are too many. I collected stories. Solomon's brief account of John L. Roark asking me to hit the carpet in prayer to rid me of his influence is TRUE. Loved John L. Roark. Loved them all. We had a great bunch of teachers and administrators. Only anguish I can report is that I had very terrible crushes on two young women the whole time I was there, and never let it show. One's name is Harriett and the other's name is Helen. I once married a woman named Helen and I am convinced it is because of that teen crush I had. Aint met another one named Harriett but if I do I am accident prone.

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Jack Canson has a birthday today.
Jul 22, 2024 at 2:33 AM
Jack Canson has a birthday today.
Jul 22, 2023 at 2:33 AM
Jack Canson has a birthday today.
Jul 22, 2022 at 2:33 AM
Jack Canson has a birthday today.
Jul 22, 2021 at 2:33 AM
Jack Canson has left an In Memory comment for Edmond Key IV.
Feb 10, 2021 at 8:15 AM

Indeed, Edmund was a great friend and always a lot of fun to be around.  We saw a lot of each other in Austin the last few years of his life.  Edmund was working in physics at Balcones Research Center, his wife Mary was an attorney in the Enrolling & Engrossing office in the state capitol.  That's where the ideas (good, bad, and ugly) that legislators have for new laws are turned into bills.  I think all the attorneys working there were women, and all of them wickedly smart.  That office was tucked away in the basement of the capitol, not too far from the snack bar.  Working as a speechwriter and consultant for Governor Briscoe, I was in the capitol 3 or 4 days a week and I often had coffee with Mary.  Edmund, Mary, a girlfriend, and I got together for Mexican food every Wednesday and did a lot of drinking and eating at their house on Rio Grande weekends.  One Friday evening I returned from an out of state trip and called Edmund's home.  A cousin answered and told me Edmund and Mary were at a hospital where he was going to have back surgery the next morning.  Can't remember the name of that hospital now, but it was in East Austin and not far from the house I was restoring and living in at the time.  So I went there and the three of us had a great time talking and joking around until it was time for visitors to leave.  I was awakened early the next morning by a call from one of their close friends.  Edmund had died in the recovery room following the surgery.  It was a terrible time. They had two children, one an infant and the other I think was maybe three.  Mary moved away from Austin, I began spending more time in California, and it was many years before I saw her again.

Jack Canson has a birthday today. New comment added.
Jul 22, 2020 at 5:25 PM

Posted on: Jul 22, 2020 at 2:33 AM

Jack Canson has a birthday today.
Jul 22, 2019 at 2:33 AM
Jack Canson has a birthday today.
Jul 22, 2018 at 2:33 AM
Jul 22, 2017 at 10:04 AM

Happy birthday. Have a blessed day!

Jack Canson has a birthday today.
Jul 22, 2017 at 2:33 AM
Jack Canson has a birthday today.
Jul 22, 2016 at 2:33 AM
Jack Canson has a birthday today. New comment added.
Jul 22, 2015 at 2:35 PM

Posted on: Jul 22, 2015 at 2:34 AM

Jul 22, 2014 at 8:47 PM

Happy Birthday!

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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:53 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:53 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:53 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:53 PM