Judy Bearden Love

Profile Updated: January 12, 2018
Class Year: 1961
Residing In: Albuquerque, NM USA
Spouse/Partner: Frank Love
Occupation: Retired- Public Education

I graduated from North Texas in 1964 and was hired to come to ABQ to set up Journalism, yearbook, newspaper, etc. for a new high school to open that Fall. Frank was head basketball coach and, eventually, administrator. Having done graduate work at George Washington in D.C. and lots of other places, I finally earned an MA at UNM in 1975.
We married in 1967 and took a 2 1/2 month trip around the world. After working 25 and 27 years, we decided that was enough (in public education that was enough) and decided to travel and volunteer...much more fun. We have visited over 160 countries (our last 4 trips all in Muslin countries) and leave in March to sail around Australia and Tasmania, 37 days, then up to the Komodo Islands. Then 32 African countries, safaris in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania, in Nov. '13 in and out of game camps in 4 passenger planes in Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Cuba in June/July '14. To Rome 11/3/14, then sail home on Prinsendam.
We have been greatly blessed.

School Story:

It is amazing how little I remember.

Countries you have visited:

Actually, about 180... from Albania to Zanzibar and many, many in between. Early on, we decided that travel is what we enjoyed most; so we put it ahead of many other things.. like having a big expensive wedding. Since I was already 23 and far away from good friends, we opted for a honeymoon trip around the world instead. We had real adventures like the ship catching on fire from lightning in the Pearl Sea after Japan and seeeing artillery fire at night from Vietnam. ( It wasn't until many years later that we actually toured Vietnam and Cambodia, then Laos, Nepal ( for hiking in the Lower Anapurnas, flying over Everest was enough) Tibet, Bhutan, etc.)
We've done more than 50 cruises, most adventure types on small ships, like the 4-masted brigantine Star Clipper ( 37 days from Greece to Thailand) through Europe, on the Yangtze both before the High Dam was filled and then after dam was completed, on Mississippi, Amazon, the upper and lower Volga, the Dneiper, to Antarctica, and later this month through all the Great Lakes and their locks from Toronto to Duluth, MN.on the Yorktown, l07 passengers, including speakers. WE are joining al alumni group from Stanford U.
In November we are on safari in Botswana and Zambia, our fourth in Africa, I think, Eastern Kenya, Kenya and Tanzania, South Africa and Tanzania.
We like Africa, mostly because of the animals and antiquities. We managed to go into Libya the year before Gadhaffi was overthrown. We went in with a British group to see ruins at AlKhums and Leptis Magna, far more impressive then those in Tunisia which we had marveled over years before.
We are WWII buffs, so we have all through the South Pacific, from Hawaii to Wake and Midway, Guam Saipan, Tinian, through Solomons, Gilberts, Iwo Jima, as far South as Iron Bottom Sound and Papau New Guinea.
Many of the countries we visited have changed names since then... can we count them twice. Like Ceylon to Sri Lanka or Aden to Yemen? or Burma to Myanmar?
We love Mongolia, having taken the train from Beijing through Mongolia with original intent to go to Lake Baikal in Siberia, largest accumulation of fresh water in the world. From Siberia we came back to Ulanbataar, then flew 450 miles SW into the Gobi Desert and stayed in gers as they prefer to call them instead of yerts. The planes were so small and overcrowded that the younger of us sat on spare tires behind the regular seats.
It sounds terrible, but we are having trouble finding new places to go. In Mar-April '13 we went back to the Amazon, this time stopping in Suriman, formerly French Guiana, to visit the French prisons on Devil's Island. Remember Papillon?

What did you always want to do that you haven't done yet?

... get adequate sleep. The only rest I get is on beach vacations, when I can sleep uninterrupted in the sun.

Do you still see/talk to/hang out with classmates? Who?

I seldom see but a few... the most since the 2006 Reunion ( our 45th?) was at the Davis Ranch party in April. It was wonderful.
Harriett had hosted Sherry, the Margarets, Pat, Sandy, and I for a week end slumber party. Returned from Edom, Harriett planned for us to sample and evaluate 12 red wines. I don't recall anything after about the seventh! But, what fun we did have.
Harriett spent 3 days here in Aug. 14 on her way home from CO. Great fun!

Cool things you've done?

Rafted Colorado, hiking 9 miles into Grand Canyon on the Kaibab Trail, meeting a 28-foot raft with two flex points, spending 9 days on the river, listening to fabulous stories and mysteries as far as Lake Mead.
Cuba in June '14. Leave for Rome on 11/3/14, then 17 days sailing home on Prinsendam, Holland America's only small ship.

Lived one of your dreams?

I taught Film History for namy years, and I have seen in real life so many places I've seen on the screen.

Sang karaoke?


What would we be surprised to know about you?

My husband and I are filming a commercial next week... for an insurance plan for seniors (darn!)
Two weeks ago a crew filmed a commercial for the NM State Fair in our home. It is to be aired starting today 7/15.
Again, this year they used a miniature pig which had appeared with great popularity last year with a gum-Chomping Hispanic gal named Lynette. This year they go to visit Lynette's grandmother ( in our home) The actress plays both parts.
Even though they issue us a 1 million$ insurance policy for liability and damage, they called late the night before assuring us that the pig would be in her darrier except when she was filming. Can't wait to see it.
However, it does both me for them to think my home looks llike someone's grandmother's.
In the TV series "Breaking Bad" the drug kingpin Gus Frink's home was next door to our home. We got paid only for letting them run cables through our side yard.
ABout 30 years or so ago I worked in the film "Convoy", which convinced that night filming around a burning church was no fun.

If you could build a second house anywhere, where would it be?

One is enough.... when you can go anywhere you want and let someone else do the cleaning, upkeep, etc...

Ever eaten just cookies (or dessert) for dinner?


Biggest thing you would do differently if you could return to your time at MHS?

Appreciate my friends a lot more than I did then. I was so fortunate to have grown up with so many of you.

Countries you have visited?

Over 180. just added Burma, Laos, French Guiana, Bhutan, Nepal and Cuba in the last couple of years.
Added Botswana and Zambia ( and back to Zimbabwe) in 2014 on safari, flying in and out of tented camps, as far south in the Okavango Delta. The planes just sort of slow down and you hope you can toss your luggage and climb in. Some days we think we are getting too old for these types of things
Not really a birthday trip, but because we hadn't been there, we just got home from the Polar Ice Cap, cruising from Amsterdam as far North as you can go. We got to 84 degrees N. Pole is at 90 degrees, remember; stopping at two small research station in Svalbard Islands. Yes, Polar bears were roaming around; scientists carry rifles when outdoors.

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Jul 27, 2024 at 12:21 PM

Happy birthday. Have a blessed day!

Judy Bearden Love has a birthday today.
Jul 27, 2024 at 2:33 AM
Judy Bearden Love has a birthday today.
Jul 27, 2023 at 2:33 AM
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Jul 27, 2022 at 8:56 AM

Posted on: Jul 27, 2022 at 2:33 AM

Judy Bearden Love has a birthday today.
Jul 27, 2021 at 2:33 AM
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Oct 13, 2020 at 5:39 PM

Posted on: Jul 27, 2020 at 2:33 AM

Jun 12, 2020 at 7:29 AM

Best Wishes for an especially Happy and Healthy Birthday. I think of you often and hope all is well. Such a pleasure to remember such a long-time good friend.

Judy Bearden Love added a comment on Profile.
Apr 01, 2020 at 10:27 AM
Judy Bearden Love has a birthday today.
Jul 27, 2019 at 2:33 AM
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Jul 27, 2018 at 2:19 PM

Posted on: Jul 27, 2018 at 2:33 AM

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Jun 12, 2018 at 6:05 AM
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Jan 12, 2018 at 7:22 AM
Jan 12, 2018 at 7:21 AM

Frank and I started out 2016 , reluctantly admitting that we were actually getting older and might not live forever. How true. We went to Dubai and Abu Dhabi in Feb, then probably the most rigorous trip we have ever taken, seven others with guides in each country.. to Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. We climbed in and out of just about every 3rd century Christian cave we could access in the Lesser and Greater Caucasus (I swear).
Three months later he was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease if you don't know about it) He lived a little over a year, during which we made our 50th, with my taking care of him at home, mostly by myself except for hospice the last month. He passed 9/7/17.
In May he was honored with a huge gathering of friends, former students and athletes. It was even larger than his "celebration" in October, with him being able to hear all of the tributes countless speakers made. That's meant so much to both of us.
On Christmas Eve, his birthday, he was honored by being included in the year's end In Memorium in the Albuquerque Journal, for athletic and coaching achievements. It was a total surprise.

Judy Bearden Love has left an In Memory comment for Danny Barrett.
Nov 09, 2017 at 2:33 PM


Danny was a wonderful friend in high school, always sincere but lots of fun.  I will always remember you both fondly.  But, in reading his obit, I realize that his life continued to be of service, helping others, and making a difference in the community.  You really can't ask more than that of a person, but Danny contributed so much more.

 I am so glad that that your anniversary was recognized at the reunion last fall so that all could share in that wonderful milestone. And we were blessed at the memorial that afternoon with his vocal gift.

My husband Frank passed Sept. 7, following a horrible and cruel battle with ALS, something no one deserves.

My deepest sympathy to you, your family, and all of your and Danny's friends and loved ones.

Judy Bearden Love

Judy Bearden Love has a birthday today. New comment added.
Jul 27, 2017 at 3:56 PM

Posted on: Jul 27, 2017 at 2:33 AM

Jun 12, 2017 at 7:26 AM

Margaret! Happy Birthday. Hope you enjoy a beautiful and special day.

Jul 30, 2016 at 7:46 AM

Thanks for B'day wishes. Can never believe we are his old. Enjoyed your picture from Edinburgh.
We had planned to pick up our pace this year, going to Dubai and AbuDhabi in Feb. and
Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan in May... a really rigorous trip at extremely high altitudes ( 13,000 ft.) so we could crawl into every cave and secret 3rd century Christian Church, fortress etc. Seven of us ( in our 60s and 70s) with guides. All of us struggled but Frank much more than usual. So he had quadruple by pass surgery 5 days after we returned home. We were fortunate to get home as he had had NO problems before...plus in the air over 18hrs. from Baku through Istanbul didn't help.
He is doing fine. We were too dense to realize beforehand that he could consider family history as his bro. had 5 by-passes after a heart attack 5 years ago. Like Frank, very active, athletic, no signs, etc.
See you in Oct., but need to figure out exactly what I will do. Frank never planned to come with me. Best wishes....

Sandra Adams Thompson posted a message on Judy Bearden's Profile. New comment added.
Jul 30, 2016 at 7:32 AM

Posted on: Jul 27, 2016 at 9:16 AM

Happy birthday. Have a blessed day.

Judy Bearden Love has a birthday today.
Jul 27, 2016 at 2:33 AM
Judy Bearden Love posted a message. New comment added.
Jul 15, 2016 at 6:52 AM

Posted on: Jul 13, 2016 at 7:22 AM

Shirley! So nice to see you online. Hope to see you in Marshall in October.
Judy Bearden Love

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Posted: Jul 15, 2014 at 7:34 PM